Home>>Port Charges>>details

Country : United KingdomLiverpool

A: Vessels using Liverpool Landing Stage:

Vessels which moor or discharge or load cargo at the Liverpool Landing Stage will be

charged £0.147 per GT/day (plus Conservancy).

   Vessels in the docks for the purpose of repairing or scrapping (other than in

a graving dock) excluding any day that the vessel loads and/or discharges any

cargo in the Port:

Vessels will be charged £0.28 per GT/day, based on the vessel's GT when entering the

docks (plus Conservancy).

   Vessels in the docks to work cargo but lying idle because of nonavailability

of dock labour or a discharging/loading berth, or adverse weather

conditions preventing the vessel from sailing:

For each day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) that the vessel lies

idle, the vessel will be charged £0.048 per GT/day (plus Conservancy). Minimum Berth

Charge: £23.00 per day.

   Vessels in the docks (other than a graving dock) solely to shelter from

adverse weather conditions, or laying up (including laying up before or after

using a graving dock but excluding under arrest, receivership or detention):

For each day (including Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) that the vessel lies

idle, the vessel will be charged £0.048 per GT/day (plus Conservancy). Minimum Berth

Charge: £23.00 per day, £115.00 per call.

   Registered Fishing Vessels:

£0.321 per GT per day or part thereof with a minimum of £0.642 per GT and a

maximum payment of £1.605 per GT to cover Berth and Conservancy charges. Idle

days charges up to 20 days maximum are also included in this charge.

Registered fishing vessels of tonnage less than 50 GT will be deemed to measure 50

GT and will be charged on that basis.

B: Charges on imported or exported goods Goods Charge

per 1000 Kilos

Cereals - imports £3.30

Cereals - exports £1.88

Oilseeds and oleaginous fruit etc. £3.30

Residues and waste from the food industries etc. £4.23

Metallic ore, slag and ash £4.23

Mineral fuels, mineral oils etc. £4.05

Animal and vegetable fats and oils in bulk £4.05

Liquid chemicals in bulk £4.88

Metals (excluding iron and steel) £11.63

Maximum charge - all other commodities £11.72

Minimum charge - all other commodities £4.87

A minimum charge of £20.00 per bill is made for all Goods Charges.

The charge on unweighed timber is calculated from its measurements by using the

appropriate conversion factor for each category of timber. Conversion factors for

specific timbers may be obtained on application from the Marketing Department or from

the Treasurer's Department.

The owners of goods passing over the Company's dock lines of railway are subject to a

further charge of £0.189 per tonne of such goods.


(a) For piloting a vessel to or from the Bar Lanby Buoy from or to:

(i) the entrance of the Manchester Ship Canal or of the Queen Elizabeth II Dock, or

(ii) any berth or point in the Liverpool, Birkenhead or Garston Docks, or

(iii) any berth or point in the River Mersey,

the following charges shall be payable:

Vessel GT          Charge per Trip

Up to 800            £372

801 to 1600           £511

1601 to 3500          £695

3501 to 7500          £881

7501 to 12000         £1152

12001 to 15000        £1331

15001 to 20000        £1515

20001 to 30000        £1607

30001 to 40000        £1718

40001 to 50000        £1848

50001 to 60000        £1978

60001 and over        £2108

Country Codes
AE UnitedArabEmirates
AL Albania
AR Argentina
AU Australia
BD Bangladesh
BG Bulgaria
BI Burundi
BM Bermuda
BO Bolivia
BS Bahamas