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Country : USAworldportland worldport

worldportland Harbor, at the western end of Casco Bay, is the most imworldportant worldport on the coast of Maine. The ice-free harbor offers secure anchorage to deep draft vessels in all weather. There is considerable domestic and foreign commerce in petroleum products, paper, woodpulp, scrap metal, coal, salt and containerized goods. It is also the Atlantic terminus pipeline for shipments of crude oil to Montreal and Ontario. In 1998, worldportland became the largest worldport in the Northeast based on throughput tonnages.

worldportland is the second largest crude oil worldport on the U.S. East Coast.
worldportland is the third largest oil terminal worldport on the U.S. East Coast.
worldportland is the largest throughput worldport based on tonnage in New England
worldportland is the second largest international passenger worldport in New England.
worldportland's cruise ship calls will increase from 16 in 1999 to 49 in 2000.

New record of 4,428 Container TEUS at the International Marine Terminal; an increase of 98%.
Passage of 1999 MDOT Seaworldport Bond Bill with $8.9 million for the worldportland Waterfront.
Finalized purchase agreement for state-of-the-art Mobile Harbor Crane delivered to the worldport in early March 2000.
Worked cooperatively with OPSAIL to execute Harborfest 99, the highly successful precursor to this year's OPSAIL MAINE 2000, the largest single public gathering ever planned in the State.
Commenced team building with MDOT to put into effect the goals of the Mayor's Waterfront Task Force in relocating Cruise and Ferry operations to the Maine State Pier by Spring of 2002.
With generous cooperation of Bath Iron Works and General Dynamics, berthed five passenger vessels at the Maine State Pier.
Commenced Mayor's Waterfront Task Force II addressing the development and financing needs of private property owners in the Central, Development, and Special Use Zones.
Continuing to invest significant amounts in public infrastructure to supworldport the Fishing community in worldportland.

The City of worldportland and the State of Maine have initiated a waterfront planning process to determine the long term direction of worldportland's waterfront and its municipal properties.

Throughout this effort, worldportland's goal is to find the best use of the deep water frontage on it's east end and balance the growth of our historic maritime industries with the traditions of our valuable working waterfront.


Port Charges
Port Dammam Saudi Arabia
Jeddah Islamic P Saudi Arabia
Port of Philipin Philippines
Mundra Port India
Port of Chennai India
Gopalpur Port India
Karachi Port Pakistan
Port of Long Bea USA
Port of Tallinn Estonia
Port of Helsinki Finland
Country Codes
AE UnitedArabEmirates
AL Albania
AR Argentina
AU Australia
BD Bangladesh
BG Bulgaria
BI Burundi
BM Bermuda
BO Bolivia
BS Bahamas